
1792 Migrant Laborers NDRF Ration, 22 taken to Facility Quarantine.

Publish Date : 02/06/2020

Aalo 20 April: – Altogether 1792 migrant laborers have been provided with ration from NDRF fund up to till yesterday out of targeted 2872 and 22 persons including 16 females and 9 males are placed in designated Facility Quarantine. nine persons on 15th , two on 16th, three on 17th, five on 18th and three on 20th of this month. Nine samples were collected so far for Covid-19 test and no positive case was found. Around 695 persons including students ewre Home quarantined out of which 461 completed the quarantine period. Meanwhile donation in the form of cash and kinds continues to flow in to encourage Team West Siang to contain Covid-19. Arunachal Pradesh Doctors’€™ Association, West Unit in collaboration with NGOs is on distribution spree of masks and awareness on social distancing and campaign is now reaching the villages. The doctors in PHCs and CHCs have also been provided masks to be distributed to innocent rural masses to fulfill the campaign ”€œMasks for All”€œ in the district.