3431 get 5kg Free Rice, 452 receives free LPG, 667 students get Rs. 3500.
Publish Date : 04/06/2020
Aalo 08 May: – In west Siang, the Department of Civil Supply distributed 5kg free AAY rice to 3431 people, 19854 PHH under PMGKAY, 452 Free LPG under PMUY and Rs. 1000 one time aid per AAY families to 488 AAY families and 3118 PHH during this lockdown period as disclosed by Shri Rebom Nyguso Lendo, DF&CSO West Siang. Around 667 students who are stranded outside the state have been provided relief amount of Rs.3500 per head, 287 migrant workers have been utilized in different activities since 20th April, 212 persons have been screened so far in the Check gates, 395 people are currently under Home Quarantine, 29 persons are in Notified Quarantine and sample collection for Laboratory testing starts from today. The police today dispersed a crowd who were lining up violating lockdown protocol for purchase of cigarette on wholesale rate and crowd and social distancing management are coming tough after relaxations on flow of men and heavy traffics movements for transportation of stranded people. The administration and civil societies in the district are unanimous on restrictions on certain relaxations likely to affect people till lockdown. The Civil society continues to support the Covid-19 warriors and Team Arunachal Pradesh Abo Tani Community Confederation hoisted lunch at Hissam Gate.