
Rural-Urban Power Feeder Line Segregated in West Siang.

Publish Date : 04/06/2020

Aalo 30th May: – The eight month long strenuous effort to segregate rural-urban power feeder lines initiated by Er. Dagyom Ango EE Power could materialize today well ahead before the deadline for shutdown amid cheer and applause today. The long felt segregation was done to do away lengthy feeder lines that run in rural areas resulting in line faults due to various reasons thereby disturbing power supply of urban areas. There will be a single feeder line for the rural areas. Aalo town had only one line 11 KV feeder and the department had added one more feeder line last month during 3.0 lockdown. With the addition of one more feeder this time, the town has three feeders in the 4.0 lockdown. With this arrangement the power scenario in the district and adjoining district will have improved power supply without inferences after the segregation. The power scenario has improved drastically after joining of Er. Dagyom Ango, Executive Engineer Power West Siang. He could manage this within one year on his posting to this district.