DC Reviews Plying of Vehicles on Even/Odd with NOs, Magistrates & Police.
Publish Date : 04/06/2020
![odd/even review meeting at aalo](https://cdn.s3waas.gov.in/s3df263d996281d984952c07998dc54358/uploads/bfi_thumb/2020060468-oqidtxb5f3byoe1mm5z5j6umruvby5sf95c4p1vz00.jpg)
Aalo 02 June:- The West Siang Deputy Commissioner Shri Moki Loyi reviewed the implementation on plying of vehicles on Odd/Even basis and timing on imposition of Night Curfew with Nodal Officers, Magistrates and police in letter and spirit at his office chamber on 1st June last. The DC stressed on publicity through public announcement, hoardings and scrolling news in local TV
channel as a part of awareness in the initial stage. He also insisted on strict checking and penalties as the day progresses after giving the awareness. The Nodal Officers of Quarantine centers have also been asked to strictly monitor the inmates and those who are released after test should be intimated to respective village HGBs, GBs, Sectors and Bazar Secretaries for strict Home Quarantine for 14 days and neighboring districts have also been appealed to inmate the names of such persons who are released and have their residences at Aalo to keep vigil on their movements. The vehicles carrying essential commodities have been asked to enter the district after 5 pm during the market close time for unloading and depart before 7 am in the morning to avoid crowd in the market places. The vehicular movements in the town are seen drastically reduced after implementation of Odd/Even plying of vehicles on road. The day two saw flying of all even number vehicles barring few odd vehicles due to ignorance after order came into force w.e.f Ist June last. The Weather proof social distancing shed also continue to function well and good for the bank customers and volunteers from Kibom Age Old Welfare Society are unto the task to take them out in the evening and erect them in the morning.