
District Skill Committee Approves Skill Developments Programme for Unemployment Youths.

Publish Date : 05/01/2021

skill development

Aalo 4th Jan:- The District Skill Committee has given nod for imparting training on Computer Education and Beauticians to unemployment youths of the district as per Govt. of India’€™s indentified agency with a target of 149 units in a meeting chaired by the West Siang Deputy Commissioner Shri Moki Loyi at Conference Hall of DC office today.
The DC stressed on training that will really benefit the unemployed youths particularly the school drop-outs through publicity and awareness. The training for mere sake of certificates does not help us in the long run and hinted on making surprise visits on such training programme from time to time. The Deputy Director of Industries, Shri Gomar Angu said that theoretical and practical classes are being run maintaining a 20:20 . Ms Kusum Narzary who represented the agency disclosed that the training are being imparted to all
enthusiastic youths of the district including interested house wives. The training has a during of three months on shift wise as per the job roles.