
PD DRDA visit Mechukha and Tato to monitor the MGNREGA works

Publish Date : 26/10/2021

PD DRDA visit Mechukha and Tato

On 25th October:- PD DRDA Shi-Yomi with his team comprising of TA(RE) and TA (Mis) visited 15 work sites at Mechukha and Tato circle on 20th and 21st Oct. respectively to monitor the MGNREGA works undertaken in the current financial year. it was very encouraging to see the quality of works of these sites. The work of Yapik Gram Panchayat has been declared the best among all the works followed by Decent hang Gram Panchayat and Irgo Gram Panchayat at second and third place respectively. As a token of appreciation and an incentive to the best performing Gram Panchayat, the BDO-cum-PO Mechuka has awarded an amount of Rs. 5000/- to Yapik Gram Panchayat which was handed over by Sri Doge Diru GPC and Sri Taluk Yuto Ex – ASM to Sri Mamik Hanggo GPC. My appreciation and congratulations to Sri N.T Naksang BDO Mechukha for the excellent execution of work. The monitoring of works of  Monigong and Pidi circle shall be done in the first week of November 2021.

                              DRDA Shi-Yomi is committed to provide 100 days of employment to all registered households under MGNREGA. The works monitored were of 45 days of work. Necessary actions have already been initiated for providing employment for the remaining 55 days of work. I appeal all the stakeholders to involve with dedication to make the MGNREGA program a success in Shi-Yomi District as this is the only program where every registered  household of the villages can earned  Rs 21,200/-per year in addition to the assets created in the Gram Panchayats.