
Clans Conducts MARRIAGE RECOGNITION after 10 generation

Publish Date : 07/01/2022

Clans Conducts MARRIAGE RECOGNITION after 10 generation

Aalo 6th January:-In a significant move, a Marriage Recognition programme in between Nyodu-Nyorak-Mayi of Tutem clan and Angu-Kamsi of Memo, witnessed at large by hundreds of Invitees including Head Gam Burahs, Gam Burahs, PRI members, Public leaders, prominent senior citizens from Nyodu , Pushi Nyorak Nyorak Rakte, Bam, Higi Bagra, Yamko Bagra , Doji jeku, Ngomdir  ,Beye  and Angu villages was organized at Angu village  General Dere after ten generations.

This marriage recognition programme was organized by Tumar Marku Ao Oli of Angu village with objective to posthumously honour Ato Lt.  Soblar Nyorak, one of the ancestors of Nyodu-Nyorak-Mayi of Tutem clan and to his all descendants. Legend says that Lt. Ato Tumar Angu (Marku) and Lt. Ato Soblar Nyorak were very strong, bold hearted, warriors and famed friends. Though they were from different clans and places, they lived like brothers without matrimonial relationships and succeeding generations of clans like Nyodu- Nyorak- Mayi and Angu-Kamsi too followed his footprints with a bond of brotherhood till 10th generations.

The another motive behind the mass recognition programme was to open up  the matrimonial gap for upcoming generations of Nyodu-Nyorak-Mayi (Tutem clan ) and Angu-Kamsi (Memo clan) for matrimonial ties after a  long gap of 10 generations as a break from the past to keep pace with the changing needs. The speakers involving officers, senior citizens, intellectuals and youths dwelt at length on clan origin, its value, necessity and importance of social legalization of the marriage system for both clans.