
Coordination Meeting Held at Kamba

Publish Date : 22/08/2022

Aalo on 20th August 2022: On 19.08.2022 a Coordination meeting was held at Kamba under the Leadership of Shri Nyamar Karbak, HMLA. Meeting was attended by HoOs, PRI members and senior Citizens. Objective was to coordinates the PRI members with the Government officials for smooth implementation of the welfare schemes. The GPCs highlights the works undertaken by them. HMLA exhorted the PRI members and government officials to work as team and assured to extend all possible help from his end. Meeting conducted at newly constructed Mopin Dere in ADC Office Complex. In another occasion Shri Nyamar Karbak, HMLA Inaugurated iHMIS YOLO ATM health system, advance delivery point and parking shed at CHC Kamba. Followed by interactions with the all MO i/c of Lirmoba Assembly Constituency. The programme was attended by Dr. Moromor Lego, Director Health Services, GoAP, Dr.Gomi Basar SNO iHMIS, Dr. Raja Dodum and team of doctors and officials from Itanagar. Also attended by the PRI members, health staffs. The installation of much needed modern health ATM machine will ease the health check up processes and health related services delivery system by sitting at CHC Kamba. This is second of its kind the entire State after Dirang CHC.

A report from ADC KAmba.