
DCPU Organized Orientation cum Training Programme on POSCO/SJPU

Publish Date : 30/08/2021

Special Juvenile Police Unit

District Child Protection Unit, Aalo West Siang District under the guidance of District Child Protection Officer Shri Bahi Koyu has successfully organized One day orientation cum cum TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR SPECIAL JUVENILE POLICE UNIT (SJPU) on  PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL OFFENCES (POCSO) ACT, 2012 & JUVENILE JUSTICE (CARE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN)ACT,2015 and APJJ Rules 2020, to Special Juvenile Police Units of WEST SIANG, SHI-YOMI & LEPARADA District   28th August last.  Four Resource persons comprising Habung Tangu Chief Judicial Magistrate, Adv. Gorik Kamduk Chairperson CWC, Adv Karken Angu SPP, and Adv. Murtuza Ansari highlighted the activities under the relevant Acts.


            Habung Tangu, CJM enlightened the role of JJ Board and latest amendments in APJJ Rules 2020. Adv. Gorik Kamduk on specific roles of Investigation Officer in POCSO Cases and offenses and their roles, Adv. M. Ansari on orientation on POCSO Act 2012 and  some rules, Act of NDPs and Seizure procedure. There was also open discussions on POCSO Act./Question Hours and sharing of problems faced by Police Officers.

  Sd/- (Shri Gijum Tali)