Grainery Catches Fire, Fire Extinguisher doused it from spreading.
Publish Date : 23/12/2020
Aalo 19th Dec. In another fire accident, a granary located adjacent to a house caught fire at Hiker Gumin colony in Aalo on 18th Dec. Last. The conscious public came out put valiant effort to to douse it and rang the Aalo Fire station Aalo and Fire Brigade rushed in time to douse it from further spreading. The Granary is completely damaged but house adjacent to it is partially damaged due to intervention of citizen and timely arrival of the fire brigade. The location which is also thickly housed could be saved from another catastrophe like the one at Kamba in the preceding night.Usually it is winter and election time and people have tendency to sit late night in the fire place and awareness on carelessness and fire safety awareness is of utmost importance during this time.