Land Advisory Committee, Public and LR Department meet for acquisition of land for Establishment of District HQ at Tato.
Publish Date : 04/01/2021
Aalo 30th Dec. A meeting attended at large by Land Records staff, senior citizens of Tato area, and all the members of Land Advisory Committee chaired by Shri Mito Dirchi, DC Shi Yomi was convened at DC’s office Tato, Shi Yomi District on 30th December. This Land Advisory Committee was formed for facilitating and assisting the District Administration in acquisition of land at Tato for establishment of District HQ at Tato. Assuring all the participants, the DC appraised that measurement of the proposed land for establishing Dist HQ, measuring 283 hectares was over and that preliminary draft notification would be ready and sent to the Government by 20th of January 2021. Speaking on the occasion, the DC also clarified that though DC office would run partly from Mechukha for obvious reasons for some time, the newly constructed DC office at Tato would also be made functional by end of the February 2021. In the meeting the District Administration interacted with the prominent personalities of Tato area wholly and the important grievances raised by them for redressal were heard and taken note of.