Publish Date : 29/08/2022
Aalo on 27th August 2022: The District Election Officer West Siang District Aalo appeals all the eligible voters of West Siang District to link election voter ID card with Aadhar Cards. The Ministry of Law & Justice has amended the RPA,1950 and RPA ,1951 vide order the Election Laws( amendment) Act 2021 dtd 30th Dec 2021. District Election Officer said Linking of Aadhar Card in Voter ID is to establish the identity and authenticate entries of electors in the electoral roll if same person is registered in more than one in same constituency.
Aadhar linking will greatly help in detection double enrollment and further will also deter people from enrolling multiples times in different polling stations or assembly constituencies.
Voter ID holders can submit their Aadhar number through Form 6B via Online mode by visiting,, Voter helpline app by following the instruction. Voter ID holders can submit Form 6B in the office of ERO/AERO or through the BLOs.
Further DEO said Submission of Aadhar is voluntary on the election part.