
National Librarian’s Day celebrated at Aalo

Publish Date : 14/08/2023

National Librarian’s Day celebrated at Aalo

Aalo the 12th August 2023: The West Siang District Library celebrated the National Librarian’s Day on 12 August at Aalo Library West Siang to commemorate the ‘Father of Library Science’ Dr S R Ranganathan on his 131th birth anniversary.

            During the celebration free library membership card was distributed and donated some useful books to Government Higher Secondary School Library, Yomcha.

            Minam Darang, DL & IO Aalo, informed that District Library Aalo has installed KOHA library software, which is an Open source Integrated Library system. She further urge that one can access their library collection through OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue ) by entering

            All the Librarian of West Siang District was felicitated during the celebration.