
Workshop on “Preservation of Priesthood culture” conducted at Aalo

Publish Date : 27/05/2024

Workshop on

Aalo the 26th May 2024:  The department of Indigenous Affairs in collaboration with District Administration organised the workshop on “Preservation of Priesthood culture cum conference of priests” was conducted at Gumin Kinn Aalo. Ms Mamu Hage (IAS) Deputy Commissioner and Sri Doi Ado Ex Minister graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively.

               Rndin was tied to the Chief Guest and other participants by Kargu Gamgi.

               Sri Dagi Angu, DACO Aalo welcome the participants and presented the key note address to the participants. Sri D Angu appealed the priests of West Siang to preserve the age old priest culture and traditions.

               Chief Guest Ms Mamu Hage DC West Siang urged the priests of West Siang to pass on their knowledge to the younger generations of the society and she appealed the priest society to impart their knowledge even in schools and colleges. She urged the priests to preserve and promote the rich cultural ethos. She appreciated the DIA Department for conducting the workshop for which the priests were much encouraged and impressed, also she appeals the Nodal Officer and DIA department to organise the same workshop in the year to come. She also appeals the priest to be maintained neutrality in the society. “Priest is taking the major role in our society. You are holding the highest position in the society” she said.

            Doi Ado as Guest of Honour urged the old and experienced priest to trained the person to become a priest who is having a knowledge. Preservation of Priesthood is important for the future generation. “Documentation is to be preserved” he said.

            Sri Mogi Ori, IFCSAP President District unit, Sri Doi Kamduk IFCSAP General Secretary West Siang, Sri Kirken Doji as a resource person in a one voice to preserved and protect the priesthood culture.

            All the priests including Kargu Gamgi Priest from every circles of West Siang District shared their opinions and experiences during workshop.

            The day long workshop was attended by all Priest (Xibo) and Kargu Gamgi Priest from all over the West Siang District.


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